"My childhood included endless summers, catching fireflies on hot, muggy nights, scraped knees,
hide-n-seek, and cool crisp grass between my toes!
It was one small chapter of my life story." - Susan Clause

The moment you were born your story began to unfold. From carefree childhood adventures to adult experiences and aspirations, your story is an ongoing masterpiece uniquely about you. With every breath the pen of time records the story of you. 

The story of you is significant and purposeful.

“Where definitions fall short, a story often achieves clarity.” –Andy Stanley

Perhaps you had a defined idea about how your life would unfold over time. Perhaps you woke up one day and realized that things had not turned out exactly as you had hoped. Often, our stories do not match our expectations, and we can feel lost or sad, caught up in a disheartening race to nowhere.

Take heart, for your story is not over.

“Not all who wander are lost” - J.R.R. Tolkien

Your life story is much more than a random series of events, it is the expression of who you have been in the past, an understanding of how you became the person you are today, and a glimpse of where you might best be suited to go tomorrow. It is your personal history combined with the gifts and talents which you were designed to share.

Your defined idea about life may have fallen short, but your story is still unfolding!

What is Life Design?

Life design is a unique component of a coaching relationship through which your life story is pieced together and understood.  As your coach, I would be honored to journey with you through this phase of self-discovery and understanding.

Utilizing the Myers Briggs Type Inventory, we will collect data about your God-given blueprint, explore your history, and gain insight regarding your present day situation. It is from that deep place of understanding that powerful coaching can take place, as we partner together in discovering the purpose and possible plan for your tomorrows. If you are interested in Life Design, please contact me at 631-375-2744, or e-mail me at susan@claritylifecoaching.com and I will gladly discuss this powerful opportunity with you!

Let’s outline your next chapter together!

“With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere.” — C. S. Lewis